Thursday, August 3, 2006


SHANGHAI, China (AP) -- A county in southwestern China has killed as many as 50,000 dogs in a government-ordered campaign following the deaths of three local people from rabies, official media reported on Tuesday. - Chinese county culls 50,000 dogs - Aug 1, 2006


好嘛,5万只狗!在街上发现的,当着狗主的面当场击打致死!其余的利用晚上,使其的优点(耳朵好,鼻子灵,护家)变为其致命弱点。我方先暴露自己的身份, 造成打草惊蛇的效果,使得狗们暴露自己的位置。我方从而确定其准确方位,入而杀之!好计啊!您说说这狗怎么跟人斗?又没学过孙子兵法,又不会进行谈判,讨 价还价,只能坐以待毙!


可怜啊!狗们说话了 “我们招谁惹谁了”。



昨夜新闻说,台风派比安集结在香港南500公里处。虽然临睡前关上所有的窗户,可半夜依然被外面的风声惊醒。起身查看,好家伙,外面怎样的一个世界!所有 的树被刮得东摇西摆。这要是再有点儿沙,绝对可以用飞沙走石来形容!想着再次入睡,可怎么也睡不着,一直担心窗户被什么玩意儿砸上。

这大概是我来香港10年所亲眼见到最大的风了。香港很少被台风正面吹袭,多绕道而过,不是从东面福建登陆便是西面海南登陆。这次也不例外,将于海南登陆。 以前悬挂8号风球的时候,很是不屑,想就这点儿风也值得挂8号风球,北京的7,8级风比它都大;抑或早晨起来才见到台风的效果。这次就不一样了,是自己亲 耳听到,亲眼见到。早晨一起来就打开电视,看天文台有没有悬挂8号风球,就不用上班了。结果只挂了3号,还报道改挂8号的机会很低。心里这个不乐意啊!明 明外面这么大风,走路都费劲,居然只挂3号。以前才多大点儿风,都挂8号。很是不情愿地刷牙,洗脸,穿上衣服出了家门。临到公司,大堵车,有一条路整个被 封了。这心里更不愿意了,有没有搞错,天文台!这要是到了公司,您再改挂8号,我跟你没完!


Nothing can't be off-shored

SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.0 Magazine) -- Nearly half of U.S. IT jobs involve the upkeep and maintenance of computers - a sector previously thought to be safe from offshoring. But technological change is sweeping the industry, and soon the servers that host your favorite websites or run your online banking could be run from halfway around the world.
Next Big Thing: The incredible disappearing sysadmin - Aug. 1, 2006

When we are thinking there must be something which can't be off-shored, we are pretty safe staying in these areas and could enjoy our life without doubt, we might be wrong. Actually, we are losing ground. As technologies are emerging rapidly, seems like everything can be off-shored.

Well... have a look at the article above. System and database administration, I thought it needs a lot of expertise as well as experience and can't be off-shored, currently is being off-shored gradually. As both computer hardware and software technology is emerging, plus the fast growing high-speed internet, remote monitoring and administration won't be a problem any more. Companies in high-cost regions can cut their operation expense dramatically by off-shoring system and database administration to the lost-cost regions. Does this mean they don't need on-site engineer any longer? Of course they still need. After all, some hardware maintenance must be done on-site rather than remotely. But they may not need those experienced administrators with a high pay. Instead, they may only need operators. On the other hand, previously they may need 5 admin. people to manage 100 servers, now they only need 1 operator to manage the same number of servers, that's enough. Information collection, routine administration, remote installation, problem analysis, problem identification, all of these can be done remotely halfway around the world.

What an IT world! I need to re-think my career path. Especially I am a system and database administrator myself!

Let me know what you think