Tuesday, November 22, 2005



  • 铲底完成
  • 油底油完成
  • 墙身裂缝修复

过去看了一下。墙身裂纹用什么收缩英泥抹了,可以起到防水防漏作用。墙身已经基本铲完,除了极少数地方有遗漏,象主人房两个开关之间的狭小间隙,估计是没 注意到。底油已经油上。主人房的的膨胀螺栓被拔除,洞也已被填平。客厅的膨胀螺栓还有挂日历的地方还没有填。主人房似乎已经开始了部分的批灰工序。


Nov. 23, 2005

  • 卫生间假天花完成一半
  • 客房,书房和客厅第一遍批灰
  • 房门油两遍底漆,打磨与油漆交叉进行
  • 卫生间水管锈蚀暂时不理会




这边裝俢的事情联系了差不多2,3个星期,从什么也不知道,不清楚,到现在终于开始动工,也算是一个小小的成绩吧。最初真的是两眼一摸黑,啥也不知道。叫 了朋友的哥哥先上来看了一看,说了说我们的要求,拿了一个报价。以这个报价和熟人说的装饰材料为蓝本,老婆和我便开始漫长的研究调查工作。买了份星期六的 经济日报(只为了附送的置业家居),对着上面的广告,打电话询问裝俢和家具存倉的报价。同时,又上网寻找相关的公司或者网站了解情况。从乳胶漆,水晶地蜡 到木器的清漆,磁漆和手扫漆,一一做了比较。无奈众说纷纭,这个说ICI好,那个说Permoglaze好,另一个又推荐日本Nippon漆,让我们两个 着实头疼,不知该选哪个。既要考虑质量,又要考虑价格。而对于不同的油漆不同裝俢公司也有着不同的定价标准,有的换漆不加钱,另外一些不仅加还加得较多。 要在这众多的产品和公司中做出选择,实属不易。价钱太便宜的不敢选,怕偷工减料;价钱太贵的也不能选,省下的钱还可以用在其他方面;找熟人吧,应该是不会 偷工减料,可是又不好意思侃价儿,而且,岀了什么事也不好出声;找生人吧,又怕不好好给你装,能凑合就凑合。关键是要权衡所有这些有利和不利因素,选一个 相对最优方案。家具存倉也一样,不同的公司报价也不尽相同,有的甚至是天壤之别。最贵的是最便宜的3倍!而且,都不会跟你说清楚。到时候要搬的时候上来才 告诉你这个要加钱,那个也要加钱。比最初的预算又贵出去不少。此时,你不给也不成啊!

这边裝俢的事情忙得热火朝天,那边儿公司也没让我闲着。似乎还觉得我不够忙,又给了我一个项目。不止如此,原来说一个月之内交活儿。结果这边刚开完会,那 边就告诉我改成俩星期了。好,减了一半工时!真TMD信任我!于是,在就要结束这2005年的当口,我又要和厂商下新订单,又要签2006的维护合约,又 要管理着我下面的20多台服务器,又要进行N多数据库的维护工作,还要写程序!忙死了算!


Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Pretty busy these days

I almost went crazy these days. Image Seems like all the things come in, both work and personal. Just started working on a new project with Vendor, many other requests come in either from my own team or from other business departments. Give me a break, man! I also need to think about the apartment re-decoration since I want to finish the decoration work before Christmas. There are also too many things to deal with. Calling for the quote from different decoration companies, comparing with each other, finding some hosting service and so forth. I've never had any experience in this. Pretty awkward, I feel. Maybe everybody got the same feeling after talking about this with me! But I gotta get this done!

Well... just some complaints. Life has to go on!

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

My beautiful wife

This picture was taken on the last Sunday Oct. 30, 2005. After having the lunch with my parents, my wife and I went to Tung Chung MTR. There is a shopping mall. On weekends, there are always a lot of people walking around. It might be the hottest spot in that area. My wife and I were sitting in a bar while watching a live band not far away from us and looking at some cute children dressed for Hulloween. It's a day before Hulloween. I was drinking beer and my wife was eating ice cream. A beautiful and comfortable afternoon in autumn! I took this picture for my beautiful wife. Image

The newly bought Minolta Dynax 7D with some problem

Last saturday I bought a Minolta Dynax 7D Digital Camera which I have been longing for. The quality of pictures are better than those taken by Nikon D70. Unfortunately, there are some problems with this camera. While some can be fixed in the latest firmware, the rest is caused by anti-shake mechanic issue.

1. While using an external flash unit, like 5600 HS, it will be over-exposed at the full output from time to time. It's said the problem has been fixed in the latest firmware 1.10.
2. Buffer-to-CF is quite slow. Taking a long time to complete. It's much slower than D70.
3. After I adjusted the ISO setting to 1600 from 100 at the 1st time, when taking a picture, there was some abnormally noticeable noise inside the body. Moreover, there was also something wrong with the picture. Some subjects in the view totally disappeared. I am told by Minolta Staff there might be a machanic issue with the anti-shake module. However, the guy can't explain why some subjects in the view was just gone.

I was going to replace the defective 7d with a brand-new one since still within 10 days. Unfortunately, there is only one left in the shop's warehouse which also has some little problem on the body surface. Of course I won't compromise. The shop staff told me it's out of stock in HK and I have to wait until new 7Ds shipped to HK from JP. They have no idea when they can get the new goods delivered. So I can only wait and wait... It might be 1 month, 2 month or even longer...

I brought the defective 7d back to home last evening.

Let me know what you think